Our Core Services

Our experience is deeply ingrained in Trust and Fiduciary administration, which includes: Estate Settlement, Conservatorship and Agent for Trustee, all with a focus on financial management, abiding by all legal and regulatory requirements of a fiduciary and are also well-versed in handling the intricacies and delicate nature of these roles.

Trustee Services

CSI remains impartial in all situations and is not subject to conflicts of interest. CSI is not hindered by emotional considerations and influenced by personal issues, beneficiary requests, or demands.

Duties include:

  • Overseeing the trust with prudence, impartiality, and concern for the financial well-being of present and future beneficiaries

  • Following the terms of the trust as intended

  • Providing reports

  • Managing the assets

  • Making fiduciary investment decisions

  • Maintaining detailed records of all receipts and disbursements

  • Filing necessary tax returns

  • Staying current with tax laws

  • Exercising impartial, reasoned judgments regarding financial matters

  • Distributing assets

Estate Settlement

When a parent or other loved one dies, you might be facing the responsibility of handling their affairs. Things to take care of range from personal tasks such as notifying family and making funeral arrangements, to legal matters including gathering records and reporting the information to beneficiaries, to handling financial affairs such as distributing assets and paying taxes.

CSI helps your heirs receive the greatest benefit from your estate. We bring a thorough understanding of the many tax, legal and financial aspects of settling your estate or trust to handle the process in a sensitive, efficient and timely manner.

Estate settlement requires a broad range of skills and carries a long list of responsibilities, from preparing and filing taxes to resolving conflicts among beneficiaries. It also carries significant legal liabilities and requires a commitment of time and energy—it can take as much as two years to settle even the most straightforward estates.

Duties include:

  • Collecting, valuing and taking possession of all assets

  • Executing appropriate purchases and sales

  • Settling debts and paying claims

  • Preparing tax returns and detailed final accounting

  • Distributing and closing the estate


A Conservator is a person or an entity such as CSI Trust Company appointed by the court to take care of someone's finances when he or she cannot make these types of decisions because of an illness, injury, or disability.

A Conservator is accountable to the Protected Person, other Interested Persons, and the Court, and is expected to act prudently and in the best interests of the Protected Person at all times. A Conservatorship may involve a variety of duties, situations, and parties, and requires diligent management of the Protected Person’s assets, interests, and financial needs. Finally, unless otherwise instructed by the Court, a Conservator must provide annual reports and accounting to the Court and all Interested Persons.

Duties include:

  • Paying expenses

  • Communicating with CPAs, attorneys, insurance agents and other professionals

  • Accounting to the court and interested persons

Agent for Trustee

This option is for the individual who wants to retain the role of Trustee or Personal Representative, but would like help with day-to-day recordkeeping, trust accounting and assistance with management and investment of the assets.

Some clients choose to have family members or advisors serve as trustees. While this is appropriate in certain situations, it also introduces administrative burdens as well as increased risks, given complex and changing tax, estate, and trust laws.

 Duties include:

  • Bill payment

  • Trust principal and income accounting

  • Beneficiary distributions

  • Tax filing

  • Investment management

NOTE: The individual Trustee retains control as Trustee as well as all fiduciary responsibility and liability as Trustee.

Why Choose CSI?